Hi, today you will read about Jelmer's experience in Denmark :) He is originally from Hengelo, Netherland and he embraced Denmark as his new country.
Hi Jelmer, describe yourself in 3 sentences
Pfff Difficult one, but I would say a hard working guy with ambition, vision and a clear positive mindset on the world and what goes around myself.
What brought you to Denmark?
I was done living the stereotype life. I went a few times to Denmark on holiday when I was young and I already loved the country back then. I was always in my mind with the idea that one day I would love to live in Denmark. When the chance to study here appeared, I just couldn't resist it.
Where do you live and what are the things you like and dislike about your city?
I live in Haderslev, which is a fairly small city in the south of Denmark. I like that we have a lot of events and shops because the city is very touristic. It's a very beautiful place and there is always something to do. But I dislike smaller things like the public transport. There is no train connection, so we always have to rely on buses, which is annoying. But I'm soon getting my driving license, which will make life a lot easier again!
What about your university and bachelor? How are the subjects and exams?
It's going well and some subjects are very nice. I don't like every single subject we get, but I managed to pass them all and I'm currently starting to write my Bachelor. So the finish line is in sight.
Is it difficult to adapt to the Danish culture and what do you think about it?
The Danish culture is almost the same as the Dutch one. There are a few traditions that are different and in Denmark, everything goes on a little slower pace, but else than that It's pretty much the same.
How fast did you learn Danish, do you have any advice for newcomers?
I was able to have a basic conversation after being one year in the country and right now I'm fluent at B2 level. Aiming to hit C1 soon, since I'm using the language almost every day, which is also my point I want to make with learning it. Since I entered the country I tried to take every opportunity to learn Danish as fast as I could, since I believe it is a HUGE benefit in your professional and daily life. It literally opens doors. Danes are sometimes closed people that don't open up to you as easy as in other countries, but learning the language makes them way more open to you, which is a great thing. Some tips are to try to speak with locals, even if you are not that good in Danish yet, they will always appreciate your efforts and respect you even more for trying. Ask them to correct you if you make a mistake and this way you learn very fast. Also trying to get a job that requires you to practice the language can be a great help.
The life in Denmark is expensive or like your home country?
It's a bit more expensive, but also the salaries are higher than in my own country, so in the end, it's breaking pretty much even if you put the income and expenses of both countries alined.
What kind of jobs did you find in Denmark?
I've worked as a bartender in a local restaurant and had several jobs in factories and newspaper delivery. Right now I'm working in Trendhim as a marketer.
Are you planning to live in Denmark?
For now definitely yes! This country makes me happy and never disappointed me so far and it's still fairly close to my family, which makes it great to stay.
What is your dream job?
My dream is to grow my own fitness business in online coaching and workout motivation. Helping others getting in shape and seeing them happy with their bodies and lives makes me happy. I'm also very interested in marketing, so I would also be very happy if I could find a job as an online marketer and do my fitness business parttime or on hobby bases. The future will tell ! :)
Turning back would you do something different?
No, I never regret anything I did in the past. Everything happens for a reason and I learn from every single thing I do in my daily life. There is only a way ahead of me and that's the path I like to follow :)